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Friends of the La Spezia Naval Museum

purposes and activities
This Association is a cultural, no-profit organization whose purpose is the support of the Italian Navy’s Technical Museum in La Spezia. The association manages guided tours of the Museum, helps in collecting and restoring items to be displayed in the Museum’s building and organizes conferences and exhibitions about naval history.

address and telephone
Viale Amendola, 1 - 19100 La Spezia
tel. + 39 0187 770750 - fax +39 0187 782908

To become associate member of the Association please write to amici.museonavale(at)libero.it

The “Museo Tecnico Navale” at La Spezia is the Italian Navy’s most important museum. It is located near the main entrance of the La Spezia Dockyard and many rare and unique items are exibited in its two-story building, as well as in an open-air area inside. The Museum can’t be missed by anyone interested into Italian naval history: among the many items on display, a large collection of figureheads, memorabilia, assault craft, naval guns and weapons need to be cited, as well as a huge collection of models of naval ships of both world wars.