• venus 02
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Search in the Photogallery

To search a specific ship (or a place, a collector/donor, a date, etc.) please enter in the "Collections" section in the site's Home Page and - in the appropriate space in the upper right corner - please type the item of interest; then click on the "Vai" ("Go") button to be redirected to the image or to the images that are consistent with the searched element.

More in detail, enquiries are carried out with a "boolean research", so please keep in mind the few, simple following points:

  1. To search the name of a ship, please digit in the "search" space in the upper right corner the vessel's name, not included in quotes.
    • Warning! in the case of ships with multiple names (e.g. VITTORIO VENETO, ROYAL SOVEREIGN etc), the name has to be typed in quotes: "Vittorio Veneto", "Royal Sovereign" etc.
    • By typing only a part of the name, (e.g. Vittorio) you'll find all the photos of ships whose name contains "Vittorio" (VITTORIO VENETO, VITTORIO ALFIERI etc.)
  1. It is possible to make cross-searches, for instance "all the destroyers of Great Britain photographed in 1937":
    • Enter the search data using the following formula:

      +destroyers +great britain +1937
      The use of capital letters is not necessary: each "+" must be immediately followed by a word, but before the next "+" will be typed a space.

Since data for each image have been recorded in bilingual form (English and Italian) it is possible to make a search by using both Italian and English terms.

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